Home improving user experience for 2.5 million daily users with a new transit planning app


/streamlining public transportation

Imagine navigating the city while juggling multiple apps—one for tracking buses, another for planning routes, managing passes, and buying tickets. It’s a hassle, right? That’s where TransitPro comes in.

Frustrated commuters, including myself, needed a streamlined solution. Managing daily commutes across different apps wastes time and adds stress.

TransitPro simplifies this by consolidating all these features into a single app, allowing you to track your bus or train, plan routes, manage passes, and purchase tickets—all in one place. It’s like having a personal assistant for your commute!

project duration
may 2024 - july 2024
ux designer and researcher
create a all-in-one transit solution
problem statement
Commuters struggle with managing their daily transit needs across multiple apps, leading to inefficiency, frustration, and missed opportunities for a seamless travel experience.

research and discovery

The main goal of the research and discovery phase was to understand the current landscape of public transit apps, spot gaps and pain points, and gather insights from real users. 

Competitive Analysis

A detailed competitive analysis was conducted on four popular transit apps: Presto, Transit, Google Maps, and Waze. The analysis focused on the availability and functionality of key features such as pass management, real-time bus tracking, route planning, and ticket purchasing.

Google Reviews Analysis

I analyzed user reviews on Google Play for existing transit apps. This provided us with real-world insights into the frustrations and pain points experienced by users of these apps. Here are some of the reviews:

key findings

The key takeaways from our research were:

  • Presto offers pass management but lacks features for real-time bus tracking, route planning, and ticket purchasing.
  • Transit provides real-time bus tracking and alerts but does not include pass management or ticket purchasing capabilities.
  • Google Maps excels at route planning and real-time tracking but does not have integrated pass management or ticket purchasing functions.
  • Waze features an interactive map but does not offer real-time bus tracking or pass management.
Managing my daily commute with multiple apps is a nightmare. I need one solution that keeps everything organized and easy to access.
Sarah Chen
Graphic designer, 27 years old
I rely on public transit for my daily commute, but switching between apps for tracking, tickets, and passes is frustrating. I want an all-in-one app that simplifies my journey.
Garry Cole
Bartender, 34 years old
I’m constantly on the go and need a transit app that helps me find the quickest routes, manages my pass, and keeps me updated with any delays or changes.
Hiral Patel
College student, 22 years old

design process

Design Thinking methodology was utilized in the TransitPro to ensure a user-centered approach that addresses commuters’ needs and frustrations. This methodology emphasizes empathizing with users, defining their core problems, ideating creative solutions, and iteratively refining the design based on real user feedback.


During the Empathize phase, a survey was conducted using detailed questionnaire forms to uncover the primary pain points faced by users.

Click here to read the questionnaire of the survey.

In total, 17 responses were received, which are summarized below:

  • Users were frustrated by needing multiple apps for tracking, planning, and pass management.
  • Real-time tracking was inconsistent, causing missed buses and inefficient commutes.
  • Managing passes and tickets was difficult, with issues checking balances and purchasing tickets.
  • Users lacked timely alerts about route changes or delays, leading to disruptions.

User Persona:

Based on our research, we created a detailed user persona to represent our target user:

User Experience Mapping

We mapped out John’s journey to understand his interactions with transit apps throughout his commute. This included:

  • Planning the Trip
  • Waiting for the Bus
  • During the Ride
  • Post-Ride


In the ideation phase, I shifted from understanding user needs to brainstorming creative solutions. This phase focused on coming up with ideas, evaluating them, and refining the best ones to create TransitPro, aimed at solving key user issues.

I came up with three design ideas during the brainstorming sessions and got feedback on all of them from a variety of people.

Friends and colleagues who use public transit regularly, matching the main user persona, shared what they liked and disliked about each concept. I also asked three strangers on a bus for their thoughts, getting helpful real-time feedback.

Concept A: Card Management and Home Screen


  • Features: Focuses on reloading cards online, purchasing tickets, setting up autoload, and checking card balances.

  • Feedback: The home screen design was liked because it showed the map, card, and balance all in one place.
    Users suggested the addition of real-time tracking directly on the home screen for quicker access.

Concept B: Real-Time Tracking and Routes


  • Features: Focuses on checking bus routes and real-time tracking of buses.

  • Feedback: Users found the map-only home screen to be too cluttered and lacking essential information.

Concept C: Real-Time Bus Alerts


  • Features: Focuses on showing real-time bus alerts with three color codes to differentiate between stopped, soon-to-be-stopped, and resumed services.

  • Feedback: Users wanted to see their Presto balance right on the home screen for easy recharge if needed, as well as other essential information like recent trips.

Final Choice


Based on the feedback, the best elements from all three concepts were combined. Concept A’s home screen with a map, Presto card, and balance; Concept B’s real-time bus tracking; and Concept C’s color-coded alerts. This ensures TransitPro offers a clear home screen, reliable tracking, and clear alerts, making commuting easier and more efficient.


Wireframes were created for the selected concept, ensuring a logical flow and focusing on core features. The wireframes included:

  • Home Screen: Dashboard with quick access to real-time tracking, route planning, and alerts.
  • Route Planning Screen: Map view and route options.
  • Ticket Purchasing Screen: Selection and checkout process.
  • Pass Management Screen: Pass balance, loading options, and transaction history.
  • Alerts Screen: List of current and upcoming alerts.

Design System

Onboarding and login screens:

Home and trip screens:

Other Screens:


A concise preview presented in the form of a prototype video. 


Here’s how the app is being improved for everyone:

  • User-Centric Design: By combining the best features from each concept, we’re making sure the app is super user-friendly and hits all the key needs for commuters.
  • Enhanced Usability: With real-time tracking, balance management, and clear alerts all in one place, using the app becomes way easier and more intuitive.
  • Efficient Commute: Having all the essential info and tools in one spot helps users plan their trips better, saving time and cutting down on stress.

what would i do differently?

Looking back, a few improvements could enhance future iterations of the project:

  1. Diverse User Testing: Expanding testing to include a broader range of users would offer deeper insights into user needs.

  2. Iterative Design: Adopting a more iterative approach with multiple feedback rounds could help refine the product earlier.

  3. Accessibility Focus: Prioritizing accessibility from the start would ensure the app is usable for everyone, including people with disabilities.

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